Monday, June 9, 2008


We invite artists to submit political cartoons based on the material presented and discussed on this blog. Please submit your cartoons in JPEG format, to In sending a cartoon, you agree to the Terms below.

An example subject for cartoons could be: Impeachment of President Bush

Terms: Any artwork submitted to this blog becomes property of the blog and or Brandon New for our use. Brandon New is the author of this blog, a natural person, a citizen of the United States of America. Such use by the blog or Brandon New can be for non profit or for commercial use. By sending us political cartoons for free, you the artist agree to give us ownership of the cartoon and rights to use, present, publish, the cartoon on this blog and in any magazines, books, promotional material related to the blog or that may arise out of the blog or purposes of the blog directly or indirectly or for purposes of Brandon New whether for purposes that are non profit or for profit. Cartoons at this time can be submitted in e mail format only to use normal jpeg or other format. All cartoons submitted and posted are for purpose of parody and lampoon are not to be considered factual claims and are protected under US Supreme Court rulings on parody and lampooning, For purposes of US law all persons or figures depicted in any political cartoons whether public figures or private persons, real or fictional, as defined in New York Times v. Sullivan are for the purposes of parody and or lampooning only. We will present some suggested ideas for political cartoons. Artists feel free to present your own original ideas or draw political cartoons that are based on the blog suggestions for cartoons. We may post artists names with the cartoons but reserve the right to post the cartoons without name credits to the artist. Artists, if you do not want your name posted as a credit to the artwork then tell us. If you do want your name posted to the artwork then tell us. Enclose with your e mail of the cartoon your name and address and a claim that the artwork is original artwork, your property, drawn by you the artist, with your name and address and that you are donating the cartoon for free to the blog and or Brandon New. Artists may only submit artwork that is original artwork that has been drawn by that artist and that is their property.