Tuesday, May 27, 2008


Brandon New sent the following letter to all Democrats in the United States Senate. Brandon urges readers of this blog to contact their Senators and urge them to allow the Patriot Act to Expire.

Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Majority Leader Sen. Harry Reid

Democratic Senators all 51

Powerful Constitutional Rights Political Committee
Brandon New, President
419 Lafayette St 3rd Floor
New York, NY 10003

Democratic Leaders:

If Hillary Clinton and Senate and House Democrats had voted against the Patriot Act, both Hilary and Obama would be in a much stronger position now in election campaigns against Sen Mc Cain. USA Patriot Act should be allowed to expire immediately. Sooner is better. Destroy the Patriot Act.

All Democrats are dead set against USA Patriot Act and furious that any Democratic Senators or House members voted for the issue.

We vote Democrat because we oppose Republican neoconservative fascist ideology. Fascist Neocon Conservatives are evil, they are just as bad as terrorist they oppose. They are the destroyers of freedom in this country. Neocon USA Patriot Act must be voted to expire immediately.

Bush neocon Republicans wanted Democratic Senators and Representatives to vote for USA Patriot Act so that Republican dirty trick spys could wiretap Democrat Senate and Representatives campaign like Nixon did in Watergate. That way there is no trace of an illegal wiretap because there is no way to find out that you Senators and Representatives campaign offices and campaign managers are wiretapped. How are you going to force NSA people to testify and admit that National Security Agency committed crimes when the act gives them secrecy with no recourse where National Security Agency commits felony wiretapping against Democratic Senator. Bush really outsmarted you and he thinks Democrats are all so dumb that Democrats will vote to renew the act. Bush figured he would talk you all into legally allowing spying on your own Democrat campaigns. I guess he was right.

  • Patriot Act repeals major sections of Bill of Rights illegally. You guys think we voters are all stupid, right. Wrong, well in order to repeal any provision of US Constitution the Senate and House must pass constitutional amendments by a 2/3 vote and submit the proposed constitutional amendment to approval, ratification by 3/4 of the 50 states.
  • Patriot Act attempts to repeal by statute what is only repealable by constitutional amendment. Patriot Act repeals following provisions of Bill of Rights and US Constitution of 1787
  • 4th amendment ban against illegal search and seizure without a warrant
  • Right of habeas corpus. Right of government hold suspects without bail, without trial, arbitrary determination of enemy combatant status
  • Right to Counsel 5 and 6 Amendments. Right to be represented by an attorney when accused of any major crime.
  • Right to Jury Trial 6 Amendment. Right to a jury trial of peers for any offense with a possible sentence of 6 months in jail or more or any capital crime.
  • Right to confront witnesses against himself or herself
  • Right to force government to produce evidence the government claims that government has against particular defendants
  • 4th Amendment protection against illegal eavesdropping without warrants and seizure of phone records without warrants or probable cause
  • Interference with right of citizens to travel by public transportation without certain identification requirements
Right of Contracts Government requirements for Identification to Open Bank Account. Requirement of banks to report activities classified as suspicious that were formerly considered not suspicious. Rights to engage in cash transactions in legal businesses.

8th Amendment right of citizens persons to be protected from cruel and unusual punishment. US government agencies complicit in Torture on their own or by allied countries in Arab world who engage in torture of terror suspects. Central Intelligence and Department of Defense kidnappings called extraordinary renditions where citizens of other countries who are suspected of terror crimes are kidnapped in other countries and deported by force to those countries who torture criminal defendant who are terror suspects.

No Democrat who votes has any respect for any Senator or Representative who voted for the Patriot Act 2 times while George Bush hijacked the Democratic Party in Congress to Pass the USA Patriot Act. Senators and Representatives did not even read the act and like a bunch of weak chickens voted for the Act when all Democrats should have voted no. Reason Democrats register and vote as Democrats is because we believe in civil liberties, not fascism, not Nazism, not communism. Get That?

Voting for a bill that you Senators and Representatives never read violates your oath and violates the rights of voters who are guaranteed representation according to US Constitution.

The Democrats can sponsor their own bill to allow intelligence sharing between US agencies and between US agencies and state and local agencies. CIA and DOD and FBI and ATF and ICE can all share intelligence legally on basis of a new statute that is constitutional, that will allow them to do so, and we know they can legally wiretap under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act.

USA Patriot Act is 90% identical to Hitler's Enabling Acts Article 48 of Weimar Republic originally passed by a famous Nazi Franz Van Papen in 1928 who was then speaker of The Weimar Republic chancellery. The Enabling Acts allowed Hitler to seize power on the basis of claims of terrorism when Hitler sent Hitler's own SA Brownshirt thugs into the basement of the chancellery and set the Weimar Parliament building on fire with cans or kerosene. Article 48, the Enabling Acts said that on the basis of threats of terrorism or actual terrorism that the chancellor Hitler could suspend all rights in the Weimar Republic Constitution. If any of you Representatives or Senators doubt this then look this up in index in Rise and Fall of the Third Reich by William L. Shirer or Tyranny on Trial by Whitney Harris. Are any of you Democrats proud that you assisted Republicans pass statutes written by Nazi party members and propagandists. We think that you should all be ashamed of voting for such heinous terrible laws in an attempt to destroy out beloved US Constitution. Voters are smarter than our Congressmen think but we only unfortunately have a 2 party choice, a system which to date does not work. Get some courage Democrat Congresspeople and represent your liberal moderate voters who believe in the US Bill of Rights

Bush and Cheney are students of Adolph Hitler and Nazism. They had their Justice Department neocon fanatic attorneys write a very similar bill called USA Patriot Act, and then Bush wrote executive order LB 1955 of 2006 to cancel presidential and Congressional elections to establish a totalitarian government in United States. How else can any smart person explain the similarity between Article 48 The Enabling Acts of Weimar Republic and the USA Patriot Act. USA Patriot is an out of control major destruction of our beloved US Constitution and Bill of Rights.

USA Patriot Act is Hitler Liquidation Legislation. Reference Sources for this Rise and Fall of Third Reich, Tyranny on Trial

Franz Von Papen NAZI, former WWI General of Kaiser Wilhelm's German Army was Hitler's big helper. Von Papen was responsible for passing Enabling Act , Emergency Powers Act , Article 48 of Weimar Republic in 1928. The Emergency Powers Act allowed Hitler to seize absolute power as a dictator, cancel elections, for parliament, for the chancellorship [similar to our presidency], removed by force all legally elected legislators, all elected judges of opposition parties and become a full dictator. Hitler seized, tortured, and imprisoned legislators and judges, mayors, state officials, who belonged to parties who opposed him including the labor party, catholic workers party and the communist party. Van Papen was speaker of Weimar Republic Parliament. When we see what Hitler was able to do because of the powers granted to him under the Emergency Powers Act, Article 48, shows exactly how dangerous this type of legislation is. This is why the USA Patriot Act is dangerous and must be allowed to expire immediately.

Hitler's Schutzstaffel, commonly called the SS Army, were Hitler's political execution army, who did all of Hitler's political dirty work. The SS arrested, tortured, murdered, and imprisoned opposition political leaders. The Enabling Act , Article 48, allowed Hitler to suspend and cancel all guaranteed constitutional rights in the Weimar Constitution Declaration of Rights, cancel all scheduled elections for chancellor and parliament. Thanks to Enabling Act or Emergency Powers Act, Hitler, Himmler, Eichman, were able to set up the death camps and murder 8 million Slavic citizens and 6 million Jewish citizens of many countries.

US Senators Should Realize the Harm They Have Done By Exposing US Citizens to Dangers Created by USA Patriot Act

US Senators Should Experience Remorse, Good Conscience, and Take Immediate Action to Allow the Patriot Act to Expire

Are you as a Democratic Senator proud that you voted for a bill, USA Patriot Act based on the text of a bill that put Hitler in power? Are you proud as a senator that you voted for a bill that is 90% identical to the bill that Hitler used to cancel elections, and set up concentration camps to murder and torture 14 million Europeans? Is this what you stand for as a Democrat Senator, laws of Hitler that enabled Hitler to murder 14,000,000 innocent Slavs and Jews? Apparently none of you learned anything from the holocaust and World War II? This bill should be allowed to expire immediately. Voting originally for USA Patriot Act is treason. Now Senator that your are informed of your misdeeds, Voting to extend the Act is more treason. Allow the USA Patriot Act to expire. Let the Republican Senators and Republican party commit suicide by fighting for Hitler's concentration camp laws. USA Patriot Act is George Bush concentration camp law. Senator, let the Republican Senators be destroyed by their evil President Bush and his policies, don't help Republican Party do evil in this world. Evil President Bush wrote Executive Order LB1955 of 2006 which in theory allows him to cancel US elections for Congress and President based on occurrence of a fictional or real terrorist threat or actual acts of terrorism by committed agents of Bush admininstration with htelp of Bush's secret NSA government acting covertly or actual acts of terrorism by fanatic Muslims. This LB1955 was taken from Hitler's Emergency Powers Act, Enabling Acts, Article 48 of Weimar Republic. LB1955 is absolute contempt of US Constitution and is grounds for Impeachment and removal of George W. Bush.

See: Patriot Act, United States Senate, House of Representatives, George W. Bush, President of the United States, Bill of Rights, United States Constitution, impeachment of George W. Bush, voting machine fraud, election theft

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