Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Why Obama Should Lose Now and How Obama Would Lose in November

The author of this letter sued in US District Court in Eastern District of New York to have Electoral College to be declared unconstitutional under 14th Amendment Equal Protection Clause in 2002 in case number CV 02 6609. The author provided mathematical tables to the court showing value of popular votes in 50 states in mathematical values of electoral votes. I spent over a year doing research on application of the Electoral College since ratification of US Constitution in 1787.

Obama's Election Losses in Electoral College. Plus+numbers are number of electoral college votes in states referred to below:

Recent discussions by John King on Wolf Blitzer and Aaron Cooper have on CNN election scoreboard featured the fact that Obama would lose West Virginia and Ohio in a general election contest and admits that, but that Obama would win Iowa +5 and replace the 21+5=26 electoral votes of West Virginia and Ohio with smaller states out West. A quick analysis of the states that Obama and His campaign strategist David Axelrod claim they can win shows that Obama and Axelrod cannot even perform the math addition that a 5th grader learns. Primary states won by Obama: Kansas+6, Nebraska+5, Wyoming+3, Utah+5, Colorado+8, New Mexico+5, are shown with electoral vote values next to each states name and notice that Not 1 of these states has been won by any Democratic candidate in general election since Grover Cleveland in 1900 except Franklin Roosevelt in 1932 and for Lyndon Johnson in 1964. 1932 was a great depression year when Franklin Roosevelt ran against Herbert Hoover a Republican loser with a 25% unemployment rate. In 1964 Lyndon Johnson ran against Senator Barry Goldwater who was considered a "nut with his finger on the atomic trigger to bomb Vietnam and Red China with nuclear bombs" during the escalating Vietnam war. Both Johnson the Democrat then President and Barry Goldwater Republican candidate for President were pro war candidates who gave the voters no choice of ending the Vietnam war. That is right. 2 Democrats running for President won these Western states under unusual cirucumstances:Roosevelt a depression in 1932 and in 1964 the voters got scared by an aggressive warlike nuclear personality which Barry Goldwater exhibited since Goldwater said as as a Senator a year previous that he would nuke Hanoi North Vietnam and China and the Ho Chi Minh trail with tactical nuclear weapons and destruct Ho Chi Minh City with nuclear or conventional bombs. The reference for these facts is Congressional Quaterly Guide to the Presidency a 1000 page book by the editors of congressional quarterly publishers which give the electoral college vote total and popular vote totals for every presidential election since George Washington. First of all look at the electoral votes of Obama states, states Obama won in Democratic Primary elections, Kansas+6,, Nebraska+5. Wyoming+3, Utah+5, Colorado+8, New Mexico+5, Obama would have win at least 5 of these states to equal the loss of Ohio and West Virginia, both white supremecist former big Ku Klux Klan states, now if Obama win Iowa with +7 electoral votes, then Obama will only have to win 19 more electoral votes, provided he wins every state that John Kerry won which means that Obama will have to win 4 out of the 5 Republican states that no Democrat ever wins, again to be clear Kansas, Nebraska, Wyoming, Utah, Colorado, New Mexico. The odds of this are 2 out of 27 general elections or 1 out of 13 and based on current political and ideological differences based on results of every election since Grover Cleveland. These states have conservative Republican majorities with fundamentalist Christian religions and the odds of Obama winning 4 out of 5 of these states is probably 1 out of 1000000, that is correct 1 out of 1 million. Obama and strategist Axelrod better go back to 5th grad and learn to add. This is assuming that Obama will win every state that John Kerry won with or without Iowa as discussed above.

States which John Kerry won electoral votes in in 2004 when Kerry lost general election with a total of 251 electoral votes. Bush won 286 electoral votes with a majority of 270 electoral votes needed to win.

Kerry won 251 electoral votes in 2004 winning Maine+4, New Hampshire+4, Vermont+3, Massachusetts+12 Rhode Island+4, New York+33, Connecticut+8, New Jersey+15, Pennsylvania+23, Delaware+3, Maryland+10, District of Columbia+3, Michigan+18, Wisconsin+11, Illinois+22, Minnesota+9, Washington+11, Oregon+7, California+54

Hillary Clinton would certainly win Ohio+21, Iowa+5, Kentucky+8, Arkansas+6 [1st lady of Arkansas] for a total of 291 electoral votes, most likely Hillary Clinton will win Colorado+8 very antiwar now, and Louisiana+9 [destruction by Katrina} for a total of 307 electoral votes. If this station would hire a professor who teaches statistics from Columbia, NYU, or Fordham University, then that professor could evaluate likely probable results of Obama winning states Obama needs above as stated in Brandon's analysis. The statistics professor could project how much of an increased voter turnout Obama would get in states that are Republican states that Obama won in the primary including Kansas, Nebraska, Utah, Colorado, New Mexico. This is assuming that Obama will lose Missouri in the Democratic primary soon.

Superdelegates in Democratic Party need to understand the mathematics of this table. Superdelegates need to understand that Hillary will be a big winner in terms of probablility of winning and Obama a lost vote, lost cause, lost election based on careful examination of voter preference in each state needed to add up to a majority of needed 270 votes. Candidates can't pick electoral votes off of fruit trees or cornstalks! There must be a rational basis based on characteristics of voter preference and voter issues in each of many states, to consider a state potentially winnable. The reason that Superdelegates were created, was exactly to act in a situation like this to save the Democratic Party from another devastating loss in a Presidential election. Barack Obama would face devastating election losses in a general election. The Ku Klux Klan never died, Southern voters just switched from the Democratic Party in Southern States to the Republican Party to register their objections to blacks getting civil rights under the Civil Rights Act of 1964. All of these white Republicans will not vote for a black candidate for President. That means Obama automatically loses Alabama+9, Texas+32, Mississippi+7, Missouri+11, Louisiana+9, Arkansas+6, Tennessee+11, Kentucky+8, South Carolina+8, North Carolina+14, Florida+25, West Virginia+5, Virginia+13. These states constitute a total of 140 Electoral Votes. If white Republicans were so anxious to vote for Obama as Axelrod and Obama claim these Republicans would have switched party registration to Democrat to vote for Obama in the Democratic primary election. No such shift of white Republican voters to Democratic registration ever occurred in any Southern state! This proves that Obama is guaranteed to devastatingly lose every Southern state in a general election. Obama therefore is already behind the 8 ball in terms of electability. Obama is just not electable in terms of electoral votes which actually choose the president.

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